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Friday, August 27, 2010

A$$ Whooping of the Week

*one of the many weekly posts that can be found on the blog, the A$$ Whooping of the week will recap a Bobby Boucher inspired beat down.  Whether its a Heisman campaign going into the tank after week 12 or a Appalachian State like upset, all beat downs will be considered.  Without further ado, Jock Talk's first A$$ Whooping...

We are in the last week of August, College Football hasn't even begun yet, but the Oregon State program received an A$$ Whooping earlier this week when red shirt offensive lineman Tyler Patrick Thomas was kicked off the team following his arrest.  The charges?  Thomas got drunk, then got naked, then got into his neighbors house.  When police arrived, Thomas wasn't quite ready to leave on his own.  He got into a 3-point stance and charged the officers.  The officers then tasered the charging 19 year old.  Thomas has been kicked off the team.  According to Beaver coach Mike Riley, this was the "icing on the cake."  Thomas has been charged with criminal trespassing, resisting arrest, and criminal mischief. 

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