Crum and Kok Jock Talk is a free-flowing sports based talk show. The guys cover any sport that can be played with a ball or stick and occasionally get way off topic. Jock Talk Sports No
We have as much sports knowledge as Lebron has tact!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jock Talk turns 21!!

Jock Talk has now officially posted 21 podcasts, but I am sure all of you were aware of that and have listened to them all.  For those of you who haven't had a chance listen to the podcasts, feel free to skip through the rough early stages and jump in with the podcasts from the new year.  The guys highly recommend the shows starting with January 18th and moving forward.  You can find all of the podcasts here

All of that said, we have turned 21, and that means Jock Talk is giving out some shots.

A Jello Shot to Rex Ryan.  The man loves feet and could stand to lose some weight
A Mind Eraser to James Harrison.  He will knock you the hell out. 
A Jersey Turnpike to Pauly D.  He is my favorite, what can I say.
A Porn Star to Brett Favre.  I'll leave it at that.
A Woman's Revenge for Tiger Woods.  Man was that an expensive mistake
A Read-headed Slut to Andy Dalton.  The best ginger athlete of our time.
An Irish Car Bomb to any famous Irish athlete you can think of, because I can't think of any.
A Scooby Snack to Earl Boykins, wherever the little guy is.
A Hong Kong Hangover to All-Star starter Yao Ming.  Those Asians really mess up the voting.
The Predator to Mark Sanchez.  Find out why here.
A Vegas Bomb to Cameron Newton.  Not sure why, but it seems like a good fit.
A Urine Sample to Brian Cushing.  Just in case he overtrains again.
And finally, Jager Bombs for JC and Taylor.  Hope you all have enjoyed our work

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