Crum and Kok Jock Talk is a free-flowing sports based talk show. The guys cover any sport that can be played with a ball or stick and occasionally get way off topic. Jock Talk Sports No
We have as much sports knowledge as Lebron has tact!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

We're back!!!!

After a month long hiatus Jock Talk is back!!!! Here are the stories we missed in order to bring us up to speed: TCU Real deal, OU BCS curse over, Fat-man eats Oregon's O-Line,  Rex Ryan Loves Feet, Pats unstoppable, Blake Griffin domination, Miami Trice phenomenal, My Fair Brady for MVP, FSU Scalps Duke, Jibberjabberin Jets, Pats go down, Steelmen made it again, Bears VS Cheese! Get excited because were going to have more article's, interviews and pod-cast's so keep tuning in!!


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