Crum and Kok Jock Talk is a free-flowing sports based talk show. The guys cover any sport that can be played with a ball or stick and occasionally get way off topic. Jock Talk Sports No
We have as much sports knowledge as Lebron has tact!

Friday, January 28, 2011

January 27 podcast

Following the announcement that Jeff Fisher is leaving the Titans, the guys talk about the state of the Titans, and debate the importance of running backs and wide receivers. Jimmer Fredette is brought up for the second straight show and the guys wonder why BYU vs SDSU wasn't on TV anywhere. JC thinks Jimmer is a hobbit, and we talk about famous people from BYU. We also discuss JC's in with the Maverick's organization and their fundraiser in a furniture store turned club. SAY IT!!!

January 23 podcast

The Super Bowl is set and the guys give their instant reaction. We lament not getting the Jets team for media week. Now that we are in conference play, the guys devote a few minutes to college basketball. We close talking about people in sports with messed up eyes, and following the show we give you the audio of one of Rex Ryan's foot fetish videos. It's creepy, so very creepy.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January 18 Podcast

Following an extended break, the guys talk about Rex Ryan and feet. Can I smell 'em?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"Watch at your own risk" Video of the Week

Last but not least, we bring you Michelle Ryan's feet.  There is nothing that makes the content of this video inappropriate, I just find it very creepy and think everyone should be warned.  What you are about to watch is a role-playing video made by the Ryans.  For full details of the story you can click here.  Enjoy.

Can I smell 'em?

Video of the Week 2

Since we have been gone for over a month, I figure we owe you a few videos. This one come courtesy of the AFC Championship game. It's not often in professional football that you get to see a player hump a teammate in celebration. Without further ado, I give you Rashard "Mendenhump" Mendenhall.

Video of the Week

We have several delightful videos for you now that we are back from the break, lets start with a bunch of guys laughing.

This, of course, is funny because Joe Theismann was referring to New England running back/ wide receiver Danny Woodhead.  Deion Sanders sure does have some white teeth.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

We're back!!!!

After a month long hiatus Jock Talk is back!!!! Here are the stories we missed in order to bring us up to speed: TCU Real deal, OU BCS curse over, Fat-man eats Oregon's O-Line,  Rex Ryan Loves Feet, Pats unstoppable, Blake Griffin domination, Miami Trice phenomenal, My Fair Brady for MVP, FSU Scalps Duke, Jibberjabberin Jets, Pats go down, Steelmen made it again, Bears VS Cheese! Get excited because were going to have more article's, interviews and pod-cast's so keep tuning in!!