Crum and Kok Jock Talk is a free-flowing sports based talk show. The guys cover any sport that can be played with a ball or stick and occasionally get way off topic. Jock Talk Sports No
We have as much sports knowledge as Lebron has tact!

Friday, October 29, 2010

A$$ Whooping of the Week (Week 8)

Despite the upset of a top-ranked team and several Heisman worthy performances, this weeks beat down came from an unlikely source:  Florida Atlantic University.  During Saturday's game against Arkansas State, the Owls' QB Jeff Van Camp took a hit to the helmet while sliding, leading announcer Dave Lamont to go on quite a rant before threatening to fight the people in the press box around him.  While no actual fight occurred, the potential match up between an aging and potentially chemically imbalanced announcer against his producers is clearly worthy of an A$$ Whooping of the week.  Enjoy!

Week 8 College football Recap

Week 9 starts in full force tomorrow, so now seems like a great time to recap the week that was. We will begin with...
  • OU.  For the third consecutive week the top-ranked team went on the road and lost to a ranked opponent.  Turnovers and Landy Jones' ineffectiveness hurt the Sooners, but its also pretty hard to win on the road when you give up 486 yards.  Missouri now replaces OU which replaced Nebraska which replaced Texas as this weeks overrated Big 12 school.  OU gets a week off plays Colorado this week, but Mizzou will be challenged in Lincoln against a top-15 Nebraska squad.  I'm not sure the Tigers have the big play running back or receiver needed to score against the Blackshirt defense, and will rely on their own defense holding Taylor "Whitey" Martinez in check.  
  • Speaking of Nebraska and Taylor Martinez, the 'Huskers put on an offensive clinic against a hapless Oklahoma State defense in Stillwater.  Martinez threw for over 300, rushed for over 100, and accounted for 5 TDs as Nebraska totaled 540 yards and 51 points.  The Cowboys were able to keep it close thanks to 200 yards from Kendall Hunter and 157 yards form Justin "the DUI" Blackmon.  Blackmon went head to head against the best cornerback in the Big 12 and dominated.  In addition to his 5 catches and 2 touchdowns, Blackmon was the target of pass interference twice.  Unfortunately, Blackmon will be suspended for Saturdays game following his arrest this weekend.  His Heisman chances will probably join him on the sideline as well. 
  • Oregon replaced OU as the top ranked team in the AP poll after dismantling UCLA.  The Ducks doubled the Bruins offensive output and dominated from start to finish.  LaMichael James' Heisman campaign remains in full force.  This weekend Oregon will try to end the losing streak for the top ranked team as they travel to Los Angeles to face USC.  Matt Barkley has over 700 yards and 8 TDs with no INTs in his last two games and USC, who is bowl-ineligible this season, will playing purely for pride.  This could wind up being a very exciting West Coast shootout.
  • Auburn supplanted the Sooners as the top ranked BCS team after rushing for 440 yards against LSU.  Cam Newton would be the Heisman winner if the season ended today and Newton and Auburn will have a few weeks to pad there stats before ending their season against Alabama.  Jock Talk is hoping the Cam Newton Bandwagon keeps on rolling into December.
  • For the first time in history, Iowa State defeated Texas.  After allowing over 50 points in their previous two games, the Cyclones limited the Longhorns to 21 points (6 in the first 3 quarters) and forced 4 turnovers.  Texas seemed poised to put its season back on track following their upset in Lincoln, but after a historically disturbing upset Mack can't be pleased about the direction his team is headed.  Baylor is currently the only Big 12 school from Texas ranked, meaning the MVC has as many Texas teams ranked as the Big 12.  Texas' season is already a disappointment, but the Longhorns do have a chance to regain dominance in the own state by beating Baylor on Saturday.  
  • Michigan State will travel to Iowa on Saturday.  Both teams (as well as Wisconsin and even Ohio State) are fighting for the top position in the Big 10.  Michigan State is only undefeated team and title contender in the conference.  Just in case Oregon or Auburn falter, Jock Talk would like to see the Spartys remain undefeatd, thereby blocking Boise's road to a National Championship appearance.  

Thursday, October 28, 2010

NBA Prediction Time

At the risk of proving me know absolutely nothing, we are posting our predictions for the upcoming season.

JC Taylor
Western Conf. Heat over Magic Heat over Magic
Eastern Conf. Lakers over Thunder/Mavs Thunder over Lakers
Fianls Heat over Lakers Heat over Thunder
ROY Blake Griffin Blake Griffin
MIP Roy Hibbert Michael Beasley
MVP LeBron James Kevin Durant

We will be back to check our progress at mid-season.

NBA Preview Show!!!!

JC and Taylor put on a clinic for how to butcher an NBA preview.  Enjoy!

Week 8 Recap

The guys discuss the Jock Talk curse, Cam Newton's bandwagon, JC sabotaging his flag football team, Justin "the DUI" Blackmon, and waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Sorry Justin

Justin Blackmon, the number one receiver in the country with 1,112 yards and 14 TDs, was charged with a misdemeanor DUI at 3:45 A.M Tuesday morning upon leaving the Dallas Cowboys-New York Giants Monday Night football game.  He supposedly was under the legal limit for blood-alcohol level but since he was underage he was charged with a DUI.  He was clocked going 90 mph in 60 mph zone.  Oklahoma State has suspended Blackmon for one game.  In JockTalk's personal opinion, Justin's biggest mistake was speeding.  Lets examine the situation...  He and 3 teammates were invited to a football game by his good friend and ex-teammate Dez Bryant. He was the only one with a big enough car to drive his friends.  He had a beer and hung out with Dez and friends after the game and knew he was sober enough to drive.  He was speeding, got pulled over, and was asked if he had been drinking. Its sad that people are pegging Justin as a bad guy after this incident, aside from the speeding he appears to have been fairly responsible considering he was hanging out in Dallas with his superstar wide receiver friend.   Should he have probably slept in Dallas for a few hours and left early in the morning?  Yes.  Should he had not been drinking underage?  Yes.  Should he have been going the speed limit?  Yes.  Should an entire Oklahoma State football team be punished for a slightly bad mistake that didn't even count as a felony?  No.  Blackmon shouldn't have been suspended and Gundy knows this.   He had to do it in order to save face in the media. He had to because its a DUI in Texas as opposed to a DWI in Oklahoma. He had to do it because of the stigma that goes with a DUI and the national scrutiny that would occur from other coaches if he didn't suspend him.  Still, without Blackmon Okie State is a 4.5 favorite in Manhattan, we shall see... Go Pokes

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

NBA preview part 2

If you are looking for part 1, the LeBronicles, click here. In part 2 we'll go discuss a few teams and the state of the NBA in general.
  • Lets open up with the Miami Heat, who already lost their season opener.  The LeBrons led the league in wins the last two seasons, going for 66 in one season while losing just one home game LeBron played in.  Putting LeBron on a team with Wade and Bosh and the supporting cast Riley has gathered should be 75-win, undefeated at home lock.  He won 66 without Wade.  Forget about Bosh, just adding Wade to LeBron should give them 75 wins.
  • Here Jock Talk we are die hard for the Thunder.  Last season the Thunder showed incredible growth but were also very lucky in the health department.  Kevin "Durantula" Durant will win the scoring title again this year and it won't be close.  He will put up 35 a game and probably win the MVP.  The most intriguing player will be Serge "Chewblocka" Ibaka.  The Thunder lack an offensive threat in the post and need a strong interior defensive presense to offset Jeff Green's lack of size.  Ibaka showed flashes of both in the postseason and could be a real surprise this season.  Heading into the season the Thunder are the consensus no. 2 in the West, trailing only the...
  • ...Lakes.  Still technically the team to beat lest just pencil them into the Western Conference championship game and move on.
  • The Celtics are the defending Eastern Conference champs but were already an aging team, and adding Shaq doesn't get you younger.  The most exciting thing about this team is no longer the "Big Three", Rajon Rondo is the best player on the Celtics.  The Rondo-Rose match ups will be some of best for several years to come.
  • Speaking of Derrick Rose, the Bulls should be one of the leagues most improved teams this year.  Rose could emerge as a perennial MVP candidate this year and the Bulls now have a low post scoring threat in Carlos Boozer as well a high energy forward with Noah.
  • Staying in the East, Orlando is one Dwight Howard low post move away from making the leap to serious title contender.  If Kobe can spend a summer working on his post game with Hakeem, why can't an actual center?
  • The Spurs and Mavericks will continue to pose a threat despite aging, but it will be interesting to see if the Jazz will compete without Boozer.
  • This offseason there was an exodus of talent from the West to the East, as Boozer and Amare shifted leagues.  This season Carmelo and Chris Paul may both be on the move and it seems like each may more East as well.  After years of West domination the shift may be occurring.
  • Go Thunder!!! 

    New LeBron Commercial

    Note the dig at Charles Barkley (role model comments and the donut), the dig at MJ (MJ once refused to endorse a black Democratic candidate saying "Republicans buy shoes too."), and Don Johnson.

    NBA preview part 1 (the LeBronicles)

    Its the second night of the NBA season, a great time for a Jock Talk Preview.  Everyone and their grandma has given their take on LeBron, now its our turn.

    • First, on those who say he is a quitter for taking the easy way out by joining forces with 2 of the top 10 players in the NBA right now: why wouldn't he?  If you told me that at age 25 I would be given the option to move to Miami and work with my two best friends and that because we were working together all of our jobs would be easier I would accept instantly without even thinking, and I'm assuming you would too.  LeBron was criticized for choosing bro-time on South Beach and multiple championships over struggling to win a single title while playing for an absolute maniac in the countries second worst city to live in.  On Dan Gilbert, if you think someone quit during the playoffs in consecutive years why would you want to pay them a max contract, much less be upset if they left your team.
    • On the players who spoke against him, starting with Magic Johnson.  Magic said he would never have called up Larry Bird to team up because "that's not what we were about."  The funny thing is, Magic has actually been quoted as saying that if the Lakers had not acquired the first pick in the 1979 NBA Draft he would have returned to Michigan State for his junior year rather than play for the Chicago Bulls.  The Lakers won the toss and Magic won 5 rings.  Quoting Magic, "The only reason I came out was to play with Kareem and the Lakers."  Not what you were about Ervin?  Give me a break.  You could argue that Magic and Kareem were a better 1-2 duo than LeBron and Wade will be. 
      On to Michael Jordan, who claimed he "would've never called up Larry, called up Magic."  In his Hall of Speech he specifically pointed out that his former GM Jerry Krause wasn't in attendance and noted he didn't invite him.  Michael noted that while Krause believed organizations win championships, he "didn't see organizations playing with the flu in Utah."  Over a decade later, Jordan is still bitter that someone else was the true architect of his teams, but when other stars elect to build their own team he says he "would've never" that?  Please.  Jordan wishes he could have been the architect and player, the sole entity responsible for his championship teams.  Why do you think he is involved with the Bobcats?  He must prove to himself he could have done what Jerry did.
      Last but certainly not least is Charles Barkley, who used the word "punk" to describe LeBron and his decision and has stated LeBron will never be MJ.  Barkley spent 4 years in both Phoenix and Houston at the end of his career chasing a title, has a gambling problem, and has proclaimed that he is not a role model, saying "Just because I dunk a basketball doesn't mean I should raise your kids."  Who is the punk?
      The common theme of the previous 3 paragraphs?  Former stars who are so full of themselves they have lost perspective to the point that they are incapable of reflecting on their careers without feeling self-entitled, causing them to make comments contradicting things they said only 20 years ago.  What a complete show of a lack of self-awareness these guys have become.  
    • On the decision, it was an epically bad idea and has ruined the image of one of the NBA's brightest stars.  LeBron has carried the NBA for consecutive seasons and Maverick Carter tried to ruin that.  LeBron tore the heart out of a city that really has been a sports wasteland for a very long time.  The Browns may be Cleveland's best franchise at this point.
    • And finally, every single team in sports would love to have just one of these guys and several teams were willing to open up their pocketbooks for record setting contracts this offseason.  Pat Riley got all 3 at a discount.  That is truly incredible.

      Its World Series Time Baby

      As the World Series gets under way, Jock Talk has decided to let ESPN down the match-ups, while we lay out some of the story lines left on each team.  Lets start with a team close to Jock Talk's heart, the Texas Rangers.

      The Rangers are full of heart wrenching story lines.  Beginning with their pitching staff, which showcases a 29 year old who just finished his first full season as a starter with 15 wins and a 3.35 ERA after serving as a reliever for the first 4 years of his career who is also a race car driver (CJ Wilson), a 31 year old starter who led the AL in 10+ strikeout games, resurrecting his career in Texas following 2 years in Japan after being released and unable to find work (Colby Lewis) [side note: the 10+ K stat was true in July but I am too lazy to try to find out if it is true in October so lets just assume :end side note], a pitcher with more wins (3) than walks (2) this postseason (Cliff Lee) [side note: in the entire history of baseball, our countries most historic game, there have been eight 10 strikeout-0 walk games thrown in the postseason and Lee has thrown half of them :end side note], and arguably the hardest thrower in the AL (Rookie star closer Neftali Feliz).  Nolan Ryan has done a tremendous job finding solid pitching for a historically pitching inept franchise and acquiring the missing piece in Lee.
      Offensively, the Rangers host one of the most well known drug-addict-turn-clear superstar stories in all of sports ("Outstanding Player" Josh Hamilton), a veteran leader to changed positions late in his career to help the team (Michael Young), a host of young fanstasy baseball studs (Elvis Andrus, Ian Kinsler, Nelson Cruz), an aging slugger who is playing like its 2005 (Vladimir Guerrero), and the most interesting of all, a manager who tested positive for cocaine during the 2009 season at age 57 (Ron Washington) [side note: if there is a single person on this planet who believes that a 57 year old man randomly decided to try cocaine for the first time in the middle of the season, you are a fool :end side note].  The Rangers may be the most interesting in all of sports, not just baseball.

      The Giants also have several interesting story lines.  Tim Lincecum is a 25 year old back-to-back Cy Young award winner getting his first taste of postseason and world series action.  Lincecum struggled by his standards for most of the year but finished the season strong and has been lights out in the playoffs.  Matt Cain is arguably the most underrated starting pitcher in all of baseball and forms a great 1-2 punch with Lincecum.  Then we have Brian Wilson.  I'll save myself some typing by directing you to this video.  The offense is led by several veterans (Freddy Sanchez, Pat Burrell, Aubrey Huff, Edgar Renteria, and Juan Uribe have a combined 51 years of service between them), an up and coming superstar catcher (Buster Posey), and a player they were given for free who leads the NL in postseason home runs (Cody Ross).  Ross was placed on waivers by the Marlins late in the season.  At the time the Giants were competing with the San Diego Padres for the NL West crown.  The Giants didn't want the Padres to acquire Ross so they claimed him off waivers.  San Francisco told the Marlins they didn't want him but were forced to take him.  He has turned out pretty well for the Giants.

      Let the games begin!

      Vid of the week!!!

      Brain Wilson being...well eh...Brian Wilson?

      Friday, October 22, 2010

      Week 8 College Football Preview

      The guys talk about the great games this weekend, the Rent is Too Damn High Party, and forget the name of baseball.

      Week 7 Recap

      The guys discuss the Ohio State and Nebraska upsets as Taylor tries to drive the show into the ground.

      Week 6 recap on iTunes

      The guys talk about Brett Favre's dong and the South Carolina upset. Also, Les Miles has a deal with the devil.

      Wednesday, October 20, 2010

      Rent is too damn high

      As a Karate expert, I find this hilarious.

      Vid of the Week

      Dexter McCluster wants you stay alive and not text and drive, enjoy!

      Shake up at the top! (Week 7 Recap)

      For the second consecutive weekend, college football saw their top team fall on the road as Ohio State lost in Madison 31-18.  Fifth ranked Nebraska was also defeated on Saturday, managing only 202 totals yards of offense at home against an unranked Texas squad.  Lets rundown the weekends action!
      • Terrelle Pryor routinely threw balls into the ground when it mattered most on Saturday and his passing ability is still vastly overrated.  He is a supreme athlete but he lacks the passing polish to succeed at the next level.  Jim Tressel has no history of creating star quarterbacks so it comes as no surprise that Pryor's development seems stunted.  Ohio State's defense must also be a concern in Columbus.  In other news, I suspect Wisconsin Athletic Director (and former coach) Barry Alvarez is in need of a history lesson.  Following the Badgers win, Alvarez proclaimed "We play football here; we don't play basketball here" while referring to Ohio State's unsuccessful use of the spread offense.  Apparently Alvarez is unaware Florida won 2 championships in 3 years under Urban Meyer using the spread offense. 
      • A week after single-handedly defeating Kansas State, Taylor "Whitey" Martinez was benched at home.  Nebraska managed just 2.8 yards per carry and 3.7 yards per pass attempt without scoring an offensive touchdown in their 20-13 loss to Texas in Lincoln.  Three quarterbacks combined to go 12 of 37 for 139 yards in the game.  Those are Josh Cribbs ratios!  Texas won a game while completing only 4 passes.  I'm no historian but that has to be some sort of record for Texas.  Coach Brown has to be happy with a win against a top-5 foe on the road, but its difficult to be too excited about an ugly performance
      • Oklahoma annihilated Iowa State en route to a No. 1 BCS ranking.  DeMarco Murray set the career touchdown record for the University of Oklahoma.  Holding a record like that at a school with that much history is always impressive.  Congratulations DeMarco!
      • Staying the Big 12, Justin Blackmon is an absolute machine.  Oklahoma State's defense probably won't win them many games this season, meaning Justin Blackmon will be wholly responsible for this teams success going forward.  Following his 10 catch, 207 yard performance this Saturday, Blackmon made an appearance in the ESPN Heisman top-5.
      • The SEC had several tremendous games this weekend, beginning with Cameron Newton's dominance over Arkansas.  Newton ran or threw the ball 39 times for 328 yards and 4 touchdowns.  Newton's ascension on the Heisman list was met with Ryan Mallet's falling as he was forced from the game by injury.  Newton's biggest opposition could be his defense.  The Tigers over 400 yards passing and 5 touchdowns, mostly to the Razorbacks back up who entered the game with a 3-5 TD-INT ratio.  Luckily for Newton and Auburn, the Tigers face passing juggernaut LSU in their next game. 
      • South Carolina followed their upset of then top-ranked Alabama by racing to 28-10 lead in Kentucky.  Following the departure of star running back Marcus Lattimore to injury, South Carolina struggled t find a rhythm offensively and was shutout in the 2nd half.  The Gamecock defense couldn't stop Kentucky quarterback Mike Hartline or receiver Chris Matthews.  A late Randall Cobb score and USC interception sealed the victory for Kentucky, the first over Coach Spurrier in school history.
      • Florida continued their post-Tebow offensive free-fall, scoring just 7 points while losing to former Offensive Coordinator Dan Mullens.  Mississippi State completed just 4 passes in the victory.  John Brantley is a tremendous dropback passer, but offense will be tough to come by in Gainesville as long as Coach Meyer insists on using Brantley in the spread. 
      • Alabama returned to it's winning ways on Saturday, but current Heisman trophy winner Mark Ingram was held to 60 yards rushing, his most in 3 weeks.  After exploding against week defenses at Arkansas and Duke, Ingram has mostly disappointed through SEC play.  It certainly appears that for the 3rd consecutive year a Heisman winner will fail to repeat.  
      • Denard Robinson played well against Iowa before leaving with a shoulder injury and a multi-score deficit.  D-Rob's Heisman train appears to have been derailed and he has no shot at the Heisman if he continues to watch Michigan losses from the sideline in the 4th quarter.  
      • Boise State, despite early reports suggesting otherwise, did not earn the top ranking in the inaugural BCS polls.  Boise entered the polls ranked number 3.  Of the 12 teams on Boise State's schedule, only 2 are from AQ-conferences.  Those teams are a combined 8-5.  One of the teams lost at home to James Madison, the other let Jake Locker throw for 5 touchdowns, he had 8 in his previous 5 games combined.  Only time will tell if these lovely Boise State cheerleaders can convince the BCS computers to send them to a national championship.

      Saturday, October 16, 2010

      A$$ Whooping of the Week (Week 6)

      This weeks whooping was an easy choice.  Following reports that he left desperate voice mails and sent rather crude images to a Jets employee while quarterbacking for the team, Brett Favre's class and character are collectively our winner. 

      For those of you who don't know the story, when Brett joined the Jets he saw something he liked:  Jenn Sterger.

      Unfortunately for Brett, he is a married man with a family including grandkids, whose loving wife is a cancer survivor and has stayed with him through previous pain killer and alcohol abuse.  Did that stop him?  Of course not!  He's Brett Effing Favre.  Despite having never met Jenn, Brett got her number and started calling her and leaving voice mails asking her to come to his hotel room.  When you are Brett Favre, you don't even need to meet the hot girls you are trying to pick up.  When Jenn didn't return his messages Brett did the most logical thing he could think of, he sent the girl who had been ignoring his desperate phone calls several images of his "Green Bay Packer".  In the middle of a one win campaign, the Brett has apologized to his team for the distraction, although he hasn't officially confirmed or denied that the images and voice mails are authentic.  How many grandpas even know how to sext?  While their is no evidence of infidelity (since he was shut down), this certainly reflects poorly on Brett and unless the Vikings win the Super Bowl, those pictures will probably define the last year of his Hall of Fame career. 
      Where did you dignity go, Brett?

      Honorable Mention:  Taylor Martinez vs K-State, Alabama's perceived dominance on this blog.

      MIdseason and Week 6 recap

      We are half way into the College football season and last Saturday proved to be our first real shake up as the No. 1 Alabama Crimson Tide lost by two touchdowns to South Carolina. I had previously proclaimed the Tide to be an unstoppable juggernaut, in hind sight I may have overestimated their hold on college football. Last weeks games also included a dominating Thursday night performance by Nebraska and Taylor "Whitey" Martinez in particular.  We also saw two very good games in the SEC as Les Miles again proved that luck trumps almost everything in football.  As we are at the halfway point in the season, this week lets rundown the first half of the season to date.

      Best Team:  Following 'Bama's loss I think Oregon is now the clear cut No. 1 team in the NCAA.  They kicked their returning senior QB off the team this summer and still showcase on of the most dynamic offenses around while supporting a defense that is great between the 20's and at forcing turnovers.  I'm all aboard the LaMichael James train at this point.
      Worst Team:  Texas.  With Nebraska bolting, the Big 12 needed Oklahoma and Texas to remain at the top and another team or two to step up to keep the league competitive.  Instead Texas has faltered, OU has only impressive showing in half a season, and no other Big 12 teams are in the top-15. 
      Best Win:  South Carolina's upset over No. 1 Alabama last Saturday was the signature win for South Carolina's program and the best Spurrier win I can remember actually seeing.  After a decade of mediocrity, Spurrier may have a title contender agian.
      Worst Loss:  Virginia Tech losing at home to James Madison, and it wasn't even close.  VT has seemed to turn things around, but nobody is forgetting that game anytime soon.
      Best Performance:  Denard Robinson vs Notre Dame.  Threw for 244, ran for 258.  No Turnovers.  (Taylor Martinez and Cameron Newton have also had several impressive performances this year.)
      Worst Performance:  Ryan Mallett's fourth quarter against Alabama.  Leading the Tide by 6 at home, Mallett had a forgettable performance in the games final 15 minutes and removed himself from any Heisman consideration by throwing 2 INTs and managing just 44 yards in the loss.
      Mid-Season Hiesman:  Despite the poor showing against Michigan State, Denard Robinson's stats are unequaled.  A few more bad games and that statement won't be true, but for now it is.  Other Finalists:  LaMichael James, Cameron Newton, Taylor Martinez.

      Things to look forward to in the 2nd half:  More upset and ranking mayhem, Boise's loss to Nevada, the SEC sorting itself out, D-Rob's quest for 2000-2000.
      Things to avoid in the next 6 weeks:  Another season of stupid BCS speculation and 6-6 teams going to bowl games. 

      Thursday, October 14, 2010

      Wednesday, October 13, 2010

      Playoffs? You wanna talk about Playoffs?

      We are one round into the 2010 MLB playoffs. Round 1 featured absolute dominance by the defending League-champion Yankess and Phillies as they easily swept the Twins and Reds, respectively. The "Phighting Phils" showcased one of the best 3-man rotations in recent memory and let the offense do the rest of the work for them. If there is one question mark with the Phillies, its the bullpen. The Giants are rather offensively inept so expect another quick series for Philly. The American League should offer a much more competitive series between the Yanks and Rangers. Health is always a question with almost everyone in the heart of the Ranger order, but the Yankees had several down seasons in the middle of their order also. Both offenses are capable of exploding at any moment and both teams have questions in the bullpen and the starting rotation. League Divisional Series', here we come!

      Week 6 Preview on iTunes

      The guys talk about running out of toilet paper, Taylor Martinez and his whiteness, and preview the week 6 games. Also, Brett Favre's dong is on the internet.

      Monday, October 11, 2010

      Bama lost???

      No one expected it.  They looked like they had the talent, leadership and coaching to yet again run the table.  But on October, 9 2010 in Columbia, South Carolina it happened, the Alabama Crimson tide lost 35 to 21 at the hands of Steve Spurrier and a freshman phenom Marcus Lattimore.  Whats worse the BCS has projected Bosie State the number one team in its ranking system(and folks they ain’t losing).  Could Les Miles and his luckier than balls LSU team potentially run the table?  Can Auburn emerge as the strongest team in the SEC on the back of Cameron Newton? Or... God forbid could it be? Is this the year the national championship is decided by a non-SEC team da da duuuunnnnn!!!!!!!!!  Folks this college football season has just gotten a whole lot more interesting.

      Thursday, October 7, 2010

      Randy Moss is a Viking!!!!

      Week 4 of the NFL season is complete.  But the biggest news of the week in the NFL is announcement that Randy Moss is rejoining the team that jump started his career:  The Minnesota Vikings.  My father grew up a Vikings fan and passed it on to me.  I will never forget the Thanksgiving game against the lions when Moss had 3 catches for 200+ and 3 TDs.  He was electrifying any time he wanted to be.  It sounds like he wants to be electrifying in his return to Minneapolis.  This season just got so much better.  That said, lets recount the Sunday and Monday that were:
      • TO and LT had flashbacks to 2007 and both had big games.  A TD and 222 yards on 10 catches for TO, 133 and 2 TDs for LT.  You can't help but for LT and I personally enjoy watching TO both on and off the field.  
      • In the biggest upset of the season, the Jaguars beat the Colt's on a last second 59 yard field goal.  Entering the game, Jaguar teams were 4-14 against Peyton Manning and the 2010 version of the team was coming off consecutive 25+ point losses.  The Colts are a surprising 2-2 following the defeat.
      • Four games into the season Chris Johnson may want to rethink his assertion that 2500+ yards was an attainable goal this season.  Following his 53 yard performance against Denver he is no on pacing for a blistering 1416 yards (It is important to note that 1416 yards would have still tied CJ for 1st in the NFL last season).  Johnson started  slow last season and erupted after Tennessee's bye.  Jock Talk predicts similar results in 2010.
      • The final noteworthy game of Week 4 in the NFL is tornado that was the New York Giants defensive line this past Sunday.  The Giants recorded a record 9 first half sacks and Chicago needed 3 QBs to get through the game. 


      5 Weeks of College Football are in the books!

      It's October, and Jock Talk is pretty certain the past weekend was the best weekend of football thus far.  Conference match ups hit the ground running strong and pretenders were separated from contenders.  Lets review the week that was beginning with the three marquee games from Saturday:
      • Alabama embarrassed Florida in Bryant-Denny Stadium Saturday night.  I am convinced Florida is still a top-15 team, and that Alabama is an unstoppable juggernaut that is bound to make a lot of good SEC teams look far worse than they are.  Greg McElroy was able to avoid turning the ball over and let his defense and running game do most of the work as Alabama rushed for 170 yards and forced 4 turnovers.  Jock Talk is pretty sure that anytime a team on the road has a -4 turnover margin and averages half as many yards-per-rush as their opponent they will get blown out. After scoring 30+ in every game and 48 against Kentucky, Florida managed two field goals.  The Gators are still in the drivers seat in the East Division, but South Carolina will add some drama to the SEC divisional races that has been lacking in recent years.  Alabama, on the other hand, has to be a clear cut No. 1 at this point.  Boise State is still receiving a first place vote in the AP poll.  How can an informed football fan really believe Boise is better than Alabama after their victories in Fayetteville and over Florida.  Alabama is so good its scary.  Mark Ingram was held to 47 yards rushing, but two Touchdowns in a blowout win won't hurt his Heisman Campaign.  Is there any other team in the country who could beat a top-10 team by 25 if their best player didn't even get 50 yards?
      • The most exciting game of the weekend went down in Eugene, where two top-15 offenses and defenses faced off.  The offenses had the edge as both teams gained over 500 yards.  After watching the game, Oregon seems to be the only serious competition for Alabama.  The Ducks have a tremendous running game and have been nearly impossible to score against in the second half this season.  In their three closest games this season, Oregon finished the game on 45-0, 28-7, and 49-10 runs.  Stanford was up 18 after the first, had 518 yards, and still lost by 3 TOUCHDOWNS.  Stanford has a very good quarterback and a very good team, but Oregon obliterated them in the final three quarters.  LaMichael James solidified his place next to Denard Robinson on just about every Heisman list.  If Alabama is in a class of their, own, Oregon is forming their own class right beneath them.  As with Florida, Stanford is still a top-15 team in my opinion, they were just embarrassed by a far superior team.  
      • Despite efforts to blow a 21-7 halftime lead, OU held on to beat Texas at the Cotton Bowl 28-20 on Saturday.  Other than the clinic the Sooners gave to Florida State, OU has struggled to put teams away this season.  Texas is now nursing a two game losing streak and will face a top-10 Nebraska coming off a bye week.  Nebraska is destroying Kansas St. at the moment and will also have a few extra days rest by playing on Thursday.  Say hello to 3-3, Longhorns fans.  While OU is now in the drivers seat in the South, unless they find a way to close the door in the 4th, a surprise team may come of the South this season.  Landry Jones and DeMarco Murray were both effective against UT, but still only managed 28 points, just 7 coming after intermission.  
      • There were several enjoyable games in the Big 10 this week.  Ohio State won an ugly game in which Terrelle Pryor needed 16 passes to gain 76 yards.  Someone give him the Heisman, this race is over!!!  Pryor is still a very over hyped and unpolished passer and the lack of a dependable passing game will likely come back to haunt the Buckeyes at some point this season.  The only true Heisman contender in the Big 10 kept his bus rolling:  Denard Robinson went for 277 in the air, 217 on the ground, 5 TDs and no INTs.  The Michigan team continued its disturbing trend of struggling to escape with a win despite D-Rob's unmatched performance.  If he continues to play at his current level, the Heisman is his regardless of the Wolverines record.  He is going to go 2000-2000.  Unbelievable.  Michigan State defeated Wisconsin and looks legit.  The winner of the upcoming UM-MSU game will have an outside shot at the Championship game if they can also get by Ohio State.  In the "battle of overrated Big 10 teams" Iowa demolished Penn State; not much to see here folks. 
      • Its "Les Miles sucks at clock management time" kids!  There appears to be no available video of what Les Miles was doing during the 30 seconds his team was stumbling unorganized and disorderly on and off the field in a effort to run a play before snapping the ball 25 yards in the wrong direction but I'm guessing he just stood there like this.  Les has a well chronicled history of clock management woes and eventually it will have to catch up to him, right?  Either way he is the least worthy undefeated coach in college football.  How he won a National Title I will never know.  He is also responsible for this.  <-- The Oil talk is BACK!

      A$$ Whooping of the Week (Week 5)

      It's time to begin our recap of the week that was in football with the A$$ Whooping for the 5th week of the college football season.  Despite strong performances from most of the top-5, Jock Talk didn't witness a single performance worthy of our exalted A$$ Whooping post.  Instead we will use this space to honor the season of futility put forth by one of Jock Talk's most loyal readers and listeners.  To avoid any sort of legal privacy action he shall remain nameless, but you may recognize him.

      So far, his 2010 season has been about as successful as football in New Mexico.  Following a strong finish to the 2009 campaign, he arrived on campus this fall in much better shape and executing with pristine precision.  On campus, expectations grew and some expected this would the season he made the leap and joined his higher ranked rivals.  Unfortunately for our lonely hero, as the calendar hits October his season has been uninspiring to say the least.  In the opening weeks of the season, he was outsmarted by a much older coach leading to an embarrassing loss to a much less talented team.  Following his dismal performance, he used multiple bye weeks to apparently regain his form.  On campus, talk renewed that he would finally "pull the trigger" and upset one of the more talented teams of the opposing division.  But alas, the long period of "bro-time" actually appeared to hurt his performance coming out the bye week.  In back to back games he took big leads in the first half before pulling the wrong trigger and being shutout in the final period of both games.  While the schedule still holds rematches against both teams, he may be the last winless team in his conference before those games arrive.

      Honorable mention:  Les Miles' clock management and overall coaching ability, New York Giants defense against Chicago Quarterbacks.

      Bonus Video: GOTTLIEB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Gottlieb angers Jim Mora. Enjoy.